Red Kite Baby – Data Protection Policy
We take your privacy very seriously
If you change your mind about being contacted after agreeing, just get in touch, we will ensure you do not receive any marketing or promotional information.
Any person accessing, browsing, or otherwise using our site, either manually or via an automated device or program, shall be considered a 'User'. All users are bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy. Users consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personally identifiable user information pursuant to the terms of this Privacy Policy
Purpose of Policy
· compliance with the law (The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679)
· following good practice
· protecting clients, staff, customers and other individuals
· protecting the company
Types of Data
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd will only require personal data should the need be essential.
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd does not (and will not) require any form of special category data from suppliers, clients, customers, staff or anybody. In the event of a breach of policy and a request is made for special category data please refuse and contact the above mentioned DPO.
Policy Statement
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd have the following Data Policy in place, in order to: –
· comply with both the law and good practice
· respect individuals’ rights
· be open and honest with individuals whose data is held
· provide training and support for staff who handle personal data, so that they can act confidently and consistently
· Notify the Information Commissioner voluntarily, even if this is not required
To prepare for potential breaches of data, both internal and external, The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd have a responsibility to: –
· Know how to identify a potential data breach
· Understand that a data breach is not limited to loss or theft of personal data
· Follow a prepared action plan for addressing any personal data breaches that may occur
· Allocate responsibility for managing breaches to a dedicated person or team
· Ensure our staff know how to escalate a security incident to the appropriate person or team within The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd
In the unlikely event following a breach of data The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd will: –
· Notify all affected parties without undue delay
· Notify ICO within 72 hours of breach detection
· Document all breaches, even without need of reporting
· Follow an internal process to notify individuals when it is likely to result in a high risk to their rights and freedom
· Follow internal procedures to determine the level of risk any breach may result
· Notify relevant supervisory authority of our processing activity
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd data policy ensures that individuals have the rights to: –
· The right to be informed
· The right of access
· The right to rectification
· The right to erasure
· The right to restrict processing
· The right to data portability
· The right to object
Please note that The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd does not, and will not, carry out any automated decision making and profiling.
Security Measures
On site measures include, but not limited to: –
· Secure locked area for archiving
· Password protected database
· Password protected computers
· Keypad entry system
· Secure locked filing system
· Clear desk policy
· Malware / Virus detection software
Procedure for making request
Right of access requests must be in writing.
Please send all requests to or within writing to the above address.
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd will explain its commitment to ensuring that Data Subjects are aware that their data is being processed and
· for what purpose it is being processed
· what types of disclosure
· how to exercise their rights in relation to the data
Opting out
Should you not wish for any data to be retained, processed or taken please opt out at the appropriate and relevant stage.
Please note that failure to provide some essential data may result in a failure to supply.
Withdrawing consent
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd wish to acknowledge that, once given, consent can be withdrawn, but not retrospectively. There may be occasions where there is no choice but to retain data for a certain length of time, even though consent for using it has been withdrawn
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
The Red Kite Baby Co Ltd are committed to ensuring that its staff and any workers it supplies (directly or indirectly) are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and or similar human rights abuses.
We are also committed to ensuring our approach to tackling modern slavery in our own business and throughout our supply chains is consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We all have a responsibly to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain.
This statement sets out Red Kite’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to the business and to ensure steps are maintained to prevent both slavery and human trafficking.
Our Business
Red Kite is an import and distribution company supplying juvenile products to retailers throughout the UK.
Our Policies
Red Kite’s Modern Slavery Policy, along with our Corporate Social Responsibility, Anti-Bribery and Whistle-blowing policies reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.
Our Processes for Managing Risk
In order to assess the risk of modern slavery, we use the following processes:
Identify and assess potential risk areas when considering taking on new suppliers and regularly review our existing supply chains
Review the potential for risk at regular intervals, including the possibility of re-auditing a supplier or conducting spot checks.
Protect whistle blowers.
After due consideration, we have not identified any significant risks of modern slavery, forced labour, or human trafficking in our supply chain. However, we continue to be alert to the potential for problems.
To maintain awareness and ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business our Modern Slavery Policy is included in our Employee Handbook.
We provide training to all members of staff and this has been incorporated into our induction programme.
Our Commitment
This statement has been approved by the Red Kite Commercial Director and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2020. This statement will be reviewed and updated annually.
modern slavery

34 - 35 Lavenham Road
Beeches Industrial Estate
BS37 5QX
Tel : 01454 326 555